As I am moving forward with realizing my dream of owning my own publishing company, I have come to the realization that I cannot allow two things to hold me back from reaching for success. Those two things are Fear and Doubt. Many people allow these two things to stop them from moving forward in life and I will never allow myself to be one of those people. As I look at these two obstacles, I can honestly say that I face them with each and every step that I take as I reach for success.
FEARS & DOUBTS Fears and doubts are real and it they are always present when you want something. Your fears and doubts can make you stop your journey, they can beat you down to a point to where you no longer believe in yourself and they both can control the outcome of your path in life...that is, if you allow them to work in that way. As a young man, I was taught and constantly told to always face my fears and also my doubts and no matter how bad or how hard things may seems to be, you will see that your fears can be defeated. So here are my fears and doubts as I move forward with opening my publishing company: 1). Can I honestly open a successful independent publishing company by myself? 2). Will people support my company? 3). Will I have enough money to successfully run my company? 4). Will I have the right resources to compete with other publishing companies? 5). Am I ready to support my own work and the works of other aspiring authors with my company? These questions are constantly running through my mind, along with several other questions that I have to constantly answer. It's sometimes overwhelming, but then I realize that the journey that I am taking shouldn't be easy, it shouldn't be a comfortable road to travel because if it was, everyone would be doing it. As I continue to research and talk to other Indie Authors that have opened their own publishing companies to support their work, I look at the Pros and Cons of the business. There are many Pros and not that many Cons, so that eases my fears as I move forward. I realize that this can be done and I am the right person to do it. I have accomplished many things up to this point and I am very proud that I have not yet allowed fear of doubt to stop my journey. I have published several books, I have written, directed and acted in a very powerful play based on one of my books, I have co-produced and acted in a a movie that was a adaptation of one of my books and I have also opened my own business (4King Edward Enterprises) over the past several years. Because of these accomplishments, I know that I have the personal fortitude to move forward with building upon another dream of mine. 4KE Publishing will be a branch within 4KE Enterprises and will be the home of all future books from myself and other aspiring Indie authors that will be chosen to be published by the company. My goal is to reach as many people with not only my books, but other people's books as well. We all have voices, stories and poems that want to be heard so it is my job to provide this opportunity to others. Now do I have fears and do I have doubts, of course, but the real question is, am I afraid to face them...NO I AM NOT! I am ready for whatever is placed in front of me, because I know that those fears and doubts are not as bad as I think they are as long as I face them head on.
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Keshawn DoddsAuthor, Motivational Speaker & Playwright. Archives
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